Using Flickr to Embed Images into Canvas

Create a free Flickr account at

Upload your photos to Flickr.

You can drag and drop your files, or click “Chose photos and videos to upload”

Once the image is uploaded, locate it in your photo stream and click the image.

Locate the share icon in the lower right-hand corner

In the share screen chose the “embed” option

Copy the embed code

Go to you Canvas class and access the area where you need to add the image.

Click the cloud icon on the far right of the textbox tool bar.

Paste them embed code and post.

Your image should post.

If you would like to organize your photos by class

You can create a class album by going to “You”

Chose Albums from the resulting list and click “New Album”

Name the album

You can add photos to an album clicking on the + symbol in the lower right-hand corner and choosing the album you want to add the image too.


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